
When two opposites meet, one wants noodles the other wants a sandwich. Put them together and you have a perfect meal.

E KOMO MAI and Be Happy

#1 Milk

Milk is a huge part of living a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. Recently a study has shown that just half the daily allowance of soy is enough to drastically affect the fertility in males. So, when I refer to milk it is only in its pure form and that is the dairy kind. Most people claim to be lactose intolerant or they complain of never liking the taste or odor. Others find it hard paying for milk because it can go for $7-8 dollars a gallon. Still nothing beats milk and all its magic.

Obviously, calcium is the main ingredient of milk that makes it so important. And for some reason over the years although calcium pills and supplements have become available they just aren't the same. Milk has other ingredients that we take for granted that only milk can give us. Magnesium for instance is another one. And if I had the time and space I could go or more of them, but imagine having to take a pill for every single one of these essential elements.

I understand the difficulty with milk can also be the taste . Chocolate milk is just as healthy. It's full of calcium and protein just like the regular kind. And if that's not enough taste for you in Colorado they even have a type of milk that is orange (the color of the Denver Broncos). And believe it or not, it's just as nutritious as the real kind. Also for the taste lovers are strawberry and orange flavors.

Why do companies do this? Besides capitalizing on the "kid market," they are doing a major favor for them as well. The sooner a child learns to drink milk, and the longer they drink it the healthier they will be for the long run. Think about what an infant drinks for the first few months after birth? That's right, Milk. What does every mammal on earth produce for their young after they give birth, MILK!.

Our family has been drinking milk from the time our first child was born. We've been drinking it everyday for the last 6years. None of our children are overweight or obese, my wife and I are as thin and as fit as a race horse and people always ask us how we do it. Well, this is something we've been doing consistently for the last 6years of marriage and child rearing.

Enjoy milk!

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