
When two opposites meet, one wants noodles the other wants a sandwich. Put them together and you have a perfect meal.

E KOMO MAI and Be Happy

"ME" Time

Some days I think I am insane to have three children under four years old. People often ask me, “How do you do it?” All I can say is, “I just do it.” When you become a mother something inside of you changes and often “You” are not the most important person any more. Your hair, make-up, clothes, and body often are the first to give in, to ensure that your baby is healthy and looks good. I often say, “If I look good and my baby is a mess, people will think I’m a bad mother and neglecting my child. BUT if my baby looks clean, plump, & beautiful while I look all haggard and rushed, people will think I’m a hard working mom.” Why is this so?
I give a ton of credit to all the mothers out there that work full-time paying jobs and then come home to take care of their families and homes. I’m exhausted from just doing the latter part. After I had Rudy, my first baby, I quit teaching elementary school to stay home full-time with him. Financially it was and still is a huge struggle but I don’t regret it at all. It was the right decision for my family and I. BUT I always try to remember that I too am important. I have different outlets to make sure that I get in some “me time,” like scrapbooking and reading. Through the MOMS Club I’m able to get Adult Conversation time, something VERY important to me.
This month I hope that you too get some “ME time” in at least once a week. Whether it is taking a bubble bath, going out for ice cream by yourself, getting a manicure, or sitting on the toilet with a book for fifteen minutes. Do it for your husband, your kids, and especially for yourself.

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