As you know, my kitchen sink was regularly a mess for a long time. Since it was continually filled with dirty dishes and old food we attracted a lot of bugs, especially those tiny flying fruit flies.

When I finally got my kitchen looking clean like this (see
this post to see how I motivated myself to do it), the ants and roaches where not too interested any more, but those pesky fruit flies kept flying around hoping that I'd leave something out again. I didn't know what to do so thanks to the
Internet I looked up, "How to catch fruit flies." There are many different suggestions but the one I chose worked really well. This is what I did...
Got a small glass bowl (a small container would probably work just as well) and put a little bit of apple cider vinegar in it. Then covered it with saran wrap and securing it with a rubber band. I then poked a bunch of little holes in the saran wrap so that the sent of the vinegar could come out and the fruit flies could get in.

The strong sent attracts the fruit flies they find their way in the little holes but can't get out. The longer you leave it, the more potent and attractive the smell becomes to the fruit flies. Word of caution: If have a full, uncovered trash can nearby or a few dirty dishes in the sink, the fruit flies will get distracted and your trap will NOT be as effective. Good luck! I hope that you have as much success as I have.
Wow! Great idea. We are going to try it too. Thanks for the tip. :)