
When two opposites meet, one wants noodles the other wants a sandwich. Put them together and you have a perfect meal.

E KOMO MAI and Be Happy

Transformer Toys

Growing up Transformer toys were the coolest toys ever. Even though I was a girl, I wanted to own my own Transformer. My favorite was the one that could transform into an airplane, a tank, and a robot. Even Kahana grew up loving Transformers, so much that he asked for the cartoon, The Transfomers the Movie, for Christmas a few years back. So when the new Transformers (2007) movie came out we were pretty excited. This also meant Transformer toys will also come back. I admit I was kinda excited for our son.

Uncle Moe bought Rudy his first two Transformers. Mommy, Daddy, and Rudy were excited. Then we tried transforming it. The instructions are pictures that don't make much sense and every time you tried to move a piece, it felt like it would break off. I gave up first. Kahana hung in there until he got the truck into the robot and then would not change it back. Overall opinion, Transformers now are flimsy, cheap, and not worth the money. Sadly they don't compare to what we had as kids. To a kid they still are fun to play with but to quickly transforming them like in the movie is not possible. If I am wrong and you can show me they are still as good as the "old days." Please share!

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