
When two opposites meet, one wants noodles the other wants a sandwich. Put them together and you have a perfect meal.

E KOMO MAI and Be Happy

Shoyu Chicken

AKA Teriyaki Chicken

From my mother, Claire

one part shoyu (soy sause)
one part sugar
garlic & ginger for extra taste

Mix the shoyu, sugar, garlic, and ginger. Pour over the chicken in the pot. Bring to a boil. Bring down heat and cook for about an hour. Eat with rice.


  1. For 5 pounds of chicken I use one cup of sugar and one cup of shoyu with lots of ginger, lots of garlic! (Stir periodically to have the chicken cook evenly in the sauce.)

  2. It's now Monday and I'm thinking maybe I used one cup of sugar and one cup of shoyu for 10# of chicken recently. I think I used less for 5 pounds ... oh well ... keep experimenting!
